Life is so good lived with the Lord Jesus, I want to share it with you! My title, "It Was Given to Me," comes from 1 Corinthians 4:7. All that I have was given to me by God! Isn't that a great way to live? I invite you to come along on the journey with me!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Unexpected Journey

I didn't know what was written on the next page of my life, but God did. Breast cancer.

Through the past week, God has given me calm. By the time the radiologist called, I was ready for whatever was written in the next chapter of my life. I knew in a solid and sure way that God knew all about this and was holding and would hold me throughout the whole ordeal. He has been
my strong and faithful companion up till now, and He will continue to be. God doesn't change and neither does His care for me.
After an appointment with the surgeon next week, I'll know exactly the way I'm walking. Meanwhile, I know exactly Who I am walking with. 


  1. Barbara, I hate to hear this news. I'm praying for you. I read through some of your posts, especially those relating to your mom. Oh, how I identify with your feelings. You're a good writer. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am praying for you as you begin this new chapter. Love you

  2. Barbara,

    I am sad as I read your post. (Jeannine emailed me the link.) I am sad to see my friend go through suffering when there have been so many challenges. Yet! Yet, I know that the One who has been faithful in the past will be faithful through this as well. He has held you in the past, He will hold you in the present. Yet! I know that He has a love for you beyond anything we could imagine. Yet! I know that He has a plan and a purpose for this time in your life and it is a plan for good and not for evil. Yet! I know that He hears and will hear our prayers. I am sad to hear this news but am thankful for the privilege to hold you up in prayer to our blessed Lord and Savior. May the One who comforts and guides be with you every moment of every day as you travel this journey.

