Waiting for surgery is about to drive me crazy! Days and hours and minutes go by so slowly! I got the news of the cancer, cleared my schedule to get ready for what was to come, and now I wait.
Years ago our godly dentist discovered he had cancer. His struggle was difficult. I saw him in the hall at church and asked him how things were going. He replied that the hardest things were those daily things, not the major crises.
And I'm finding the same thing true. Daily waiting for surgery to go ahead and happen is rattling me as much as the overall diagnosis, it seems. The hardest times seem to be the little things. Maybe it's because I'm ready right away to turn the major, scary things over to God, but I still want to control the little things, like waiting.
There are so many stories of people in situations where they were chomping at the bit to get going somewhere and they had to wait. A friend was traveling through the mountains of Mexico with a missionary and some Mexican girls who were students at a Bible college. Something went wrong with their car. Being an American, Taylor wanted to make it to the village they were visiting by a certain time. He paced back and forth at the place where the Jeep was being repaired, wanting to get there and wondering why the delay. Hours later, with the vehicle repaired, the group made it safely to their destination.
The next morning they heard about some travelers who were robbed on the road they had traveled. As well as having things of value taken from them, the victims had to remove their clothes at gunpoint. Those travelers had been traveling the same road that Taylor's group had taken. The victims had been robbed at the same time that Taylor, the missionary and the female students would have been traveling, had they not had car trouble! God had allowed the delay to protect them from what at worst could have been disastrous and at the least, embarrassing.
I know God is sovereign over the future. He will never allow anything in which He will not stay close to me. He has proven Himself over and over again in my life. Why do I have trouble remembering that He will engineer my future days for His glory and my good? My surgery and all that will follow are in His hands. May snap out of this and wait on Him with pleasure!
Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength.
They will mount up with wings as eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not grow faint.
Isaiah 40:31
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