Life is so good lived with the Lord Jesus, I want to share it with you! My title, "It Was Given to Me," comes from 1 Corinthians 4:7. All that I have was given to me by God! Isn't that a great way to live? I invite you to come along on the journey with me!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Singing in the Shower

     Several years ago, I went on a mission trip to Córdoba in the southeastern mountains of Mexico. It was the rainy season. It poured day and night. Never had I seen such rain! It came down as if huge buckets were endlessly dumping their wet contents as far as you could see. I remember looking up and seeing the place where two parts of the roof met. It looked like a tall, raging waterfall.

     Throughout this experience of discovering that I have breast cancer, I have noticed that I am calmed by the Lord, but those around me are not. I see sadness, panic and worry in the eyes of some of those I love. I have been wondering why I'm not suffering and they are.
      It came to me that God is flooding me with His grace and peace, much like that pouring torrent. It's like one of those flat disc-type shower heads that rains down a heavy water flow. And I'm gasping for breath in God's grace. I'm filled and surrounded by it to the point that I'm gasping for air in the drenching of grace I'm getting. 
     Those I'm surrounded by aren't getting that shower. I need to remember this when I can't understand panic and fear. If I step out of the shower and look only at my circumstances, I'm filled with panic and fear too. 
     And so I'm choosing to stay in the shower and sing for joy.

          Because You are my help, I sing for joy in the shadow of Your wings.
                                                             Psalm 63:7

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