Life is so good lived with the Lord Jesus, I want to share it with you! My title, "It Was Given to Me," comes from 1 Corinthians 4:7. All that I have was given to me by God! Isn't that a great way to live? I invite you to come along on the journey with me!

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Sitting in the soft, comfortable chair in the cozy office of my counselor, I poured out all that has been going on, about my diagnosis, the deep sense of God's presence and the incredible peace I have.

With calm, careful interest, she asked me how is all this is coming out in you, personally?"

The clock ticked in the quiet office as I thought through my answer. "I'm snapping at everyone. " I confessed. "Little things are bothering me, that wouldn't normally cause a reaction in me. I'm emotionally exhausted!"

How do I reconcile my firm confidence in God through this time and my emotional fatigue? How can I jump all over my husband if I trust God? How can I find myself unable to handle the little things if I'm trusting God?

The answer is that I can't handle all these things, but God can. It's not about me and my goodness. It's about Him and His power in me. I can't face breast cancer. He can. And by leaning on Him, I can.

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